13 Ways for Drop-Shippers and Mass-Produced Resellers to Stand Out on Etsy

13 Ways To Stand Out On Etsy From Drop-Shipper & Mass-Produced Reseller

Display Your Creative Process to Set Your Handmade Brand Apart

One of the finest ways to distinguish yourself from mass-produced goods is to display your creative process.

Many Etsy consumers respect handcrafted items (which is why they purchase on Etsy rather than Amazon or eBay). And they want to know that they are supporting a handcrafted store.

Displaying your method may assist you in doing this. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Document how you create your stuff.
  • Take pictures of your workspace.
  • Show where you get your ideas.
  • Display your rough drawings and materials.

All of these indicate to customers that your items are not mass-produced but rather handcrafted by a creative person.

Product Photos With Consistent Styling

Most of the time, a reseller or drop-shipper will utilize stock photographs supplied by the manufacturer, which may make the business seem inconsistent and generic. This shop is most likely a dropshipper:

As a result, employing consistent style in your product images might help you stand out. They may have a similar backdrop, props, editing technique, and so forth.

Keep your product images clean and bright, with the emphasis on your goods. Make use of a basic, non-distracting background.

Good product images can also help you stand out on the Etsy search page, which is where the majority of your store visitors will most likely originate from. This tutorial will teach you more about Etsy product photography.

To build trust, provide a compelling brand story.

A captivating brand narrative may help you become more remembered in the thoughts of your customers. And it’s something that mass-produced products stores can’t readily reproduce.

If you’re like me, you’re a creator who is both creative and enthusiastic. Tell your prospective consumers why and how you started your business. Concentrate on the issue you intended to address in the beginning, how you began creating products to tackle that problem, and the joy you had when you discovered your product worked.

Make certain that your tale is honest and true. Demonstrate that you are passionate about bettering your customers’ lives.

Then, in the about section and product description, you may include your brand narrative.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Excellent customer service conveys the message that you care about them. You want to provide them the finest shopping experience possible.

One method to give excellent customer service as a handmade company is to respond quickly to questions. Sometimes the fastest store that successfully answers the query wins the sale. Customer service may help you close a transaction and keep your consumers satisfied.

You are also more acquainted with your items than a dropshipper since you created them. You should be able to provide more detailed responses to consumers and provide more relevant information.

Also, if your consumers have a positive experience with your store, they are more likely to return and tell their friends and family about it.

Use an Etsy listing video to demonstrate the product in action.

Listing video is a new addition to your Etsy listings. It is an excellent chance to showcase your items in ways that images cannot.

Here are a few things you may include in your listing videos (keep them between 5 and 15 seconds long):

  • Someone who is utilizing the product
  • Product fluctuations
  • Minor nuances that are often overlooked
  • A glimpse behind the scenes at how you created the product

Investigate Your Competition and Look for Market Gaps

Most Etsy stores offering mass-produced goods have received more negative feedback than those selling real handcrafted goods.

Read the customer reviews at your competitor’s store. Pay special attention to reviews with 2-4 stars. They frequently include customer concerns regarding the product.

They create possibilities for you to enter the market and offer a product that better meets the needs of your target clients. Drop-shippers may not be able to make such improvements to the goods since they are limited by what their suppliers can give.

Branding Consistency That Complements Your Products

Consistent branding is essential for standing out on Etsy. It may also help you create client trust and expand your company.

Visual components such as brand color and typefaces are significant aspects of branding. Using just a few colors and fonts may make your listings and store appear more coherent. The same is true for your marketing materials, such as social media postings and your Etsy store banner.

Another method to stand out in the minds of consumers is to have a distinct brand voice and message. Focus on what distinguishes your items, whether it’s 100% natural components or a traditional making process, and repeat it across your business when appropriate.

Display Your Best Reviews

On Etsy, reviews are one of the most effective types of promotion. They increase confidence in your goods and your brand. They also act as social evidence, increasing the likelihood that others would purchase from you.

The more customers who trust your store, the more inclined they are to take a risk and purchase from you.

One tip is to handpick 3-5 of the greatest reviews you’ve gotten and promote them in your product photographs and description. Those evaluations will be most effective if they are also consistent with your unique selling features and brand messaging.

Customers Should Feel Appreciated

After-sale service is an excellent method to express gratitude to consumers, but it is also one of the most overlooked areas by Etsy sellers.

Because dropshippers are unlikely to give any, good after-sale service may help set your store apart.

Return customers are the foundation of every successful company. Giving clients a long-lasting impression with after-sale service is one of the finest methods to guarantee they remember your brand and return again and again.

Here are some ideas for improving client satisfaction after the sale:

  • Thank you note
  • Packaging that demonstrates concern
  • Small free gift or sample
  • Coupon code
  • Messages after purchase to see whether they like the items or have any questions.

Provide one-of-a-kind products that are not manufactured by drop-shipping companies.

Offering distinct items than what is offered on Etsy is one approach to distinguish out. It doesn’t have to be fully unique; occasionally a new color or style may suffice.

The main concept behind this approach is to provide things that are difficult to get elsewhere. Customers that seek something unique may have difficulty finding what they are searching for. They may not be able to locate it on the internet or in a nearby shop. This is where you step in and provide them precisely what they need.

Because drop-shippers rely on their suppliers for product diversity, they are unlikely to be able to compete with you, at least for a while.

Accepting Custom Order Requests

Customisations and personalisations are unlikely to be available in Etsy stores offering mass-produced goods. This is an excellent chance for you to enter the market and distinguish your items.

One of the most frequent approaches is to include the customer’s name on your goods, either by engraving a metal plate or stamping the name on the product.

Take care not to overextend yourself. Make your customization choices restricted and simple to develop.

Price Points Are Higher Than Dropshippers

It is difficult to compete on price with mass-produced goods. Products created in a factory will always be less expensive than those made by hand.

That’s why I normally advise sellers to try a slightly higher pricing range. A premium, higher-priced offer creates the appearance of more perceived value to buyers.

Another advantage is that you have a bigger profit margin and more flexibility to conduct promotions when necessary (like Black Friday sale).

However, be certain that you can persuade them that your product is worth the additional price. Among the methods for increasing perceived value are:

  • superior materials
  • Crafting technique that is unique
  • Your distinct culture

For more on pricing, read this guide on pricing your handmade products.

Display Your Most Outstanding Achievements

If you are published in a magazine or by a popular blogger, include it in your listing on Etsy. This is an excellent approach to differentiate your items from dropshippers and develop trust with your consumers.

You may highlight your achievements in product images, descriptions, about sections, store announcements, and other places.

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