17 Ways to Increase Etsy Sales in 2022 (Etsy Marketing Tips You Can Use Today)

17 Ways to Skyrocket Your Etsy Sales in 2022 (Etsy Marketing Tips You Can Use Today)

Use Etsy SEO to Improve Your Etsy Search Ranking

One of the most significant things you can do to boost the exposure of your store and items is to use Etsy SEO. As a result, your Etsy sales will increase.

You’re undoubtedly aware of some of the Etsy search engine ranking factors: how well your title and tags fit the shopper’s search, how well the product sells, how well your store is rated, and so on. They are critical for your listings to appear on the top page of Etsy search results.

You can check out the complete list of Etsy search ranking factors here.

One of the most significant Etsy SEO tactics I do is extensive keyword research. Keyword research is the process of determining which search phrases your consumers use. And employing the appropriate keywords to help your goods rank in Etsy searches. Using Etsy’s autocomplete and category tools is a fantastic method to locate them.

You may now use those keywords in the title and tags of your product listing. Keep in mind to

  • Use the same term in the title and tag.
  • Use all 13 tags to increase your chances of appearing in search results.
  • Longer keywords have less competition and are simpler to rank for.

There are plenty more ways to improve your Etsy search. In GYC Etsy Academy, I’ve developed a comprehensive tutorial on Etsy SEO and how to increase your chances of appearing in search results. They are all tactics I utilized to develop my six-figure Etsy store.

Create a Product Description That Sells

A excellent and appealing product description can boost your conversion rate significantly.

Product descriptions serve three primary functions:

Attract and hold the shopper’s attention by demonstrating how the product can enhance their life or solve their issue.
Remove purchase obstacles

Many other Etsy sellers overlook these factors and begin writing anything they want to say, such as the color, size, and so on. They are useful data, but you must consider what is in it for your consumer.

Consider the following Dyson example:

It flawlessly combines the fan’s characteristics with user advantages. The consumer understands how this fan will benefit their house. There are several more well-known companies from which you may learn how to create captivating descriptions. Lush, Dyson, Reebok, and so forth.

Increasing your conversion rate is one of the greatest strategies to enhance your Etsy search position and sales. And the best place to start is with your product listings.

In The Etsy Listing Sales Machine, you can steal the identical Etsy listing template that I use to develop my 6-figure Etsy stores.

Take Product Photos That Are Eye-Catching

You don’t need an expensive DSLR to take sellable product shots.

Natural light is the simplest to work with. Use light that is reflected off other things, light via a thin curtain, or illumination in the early morning / late afternoon instead than direct glaring sunshine.

Learning picture editing software is also necessary. The images you take with your phone (or even your fancy camera) will be imperfect. Knowing how to edit photographs to make them brighter, more contrasty, or to fix the colors might be the difference between a buyer clicking on your goods or not.

Learn the 8 top tips for product photography on Etsy here.

Create new products that reach out to new customers.

Listing new items may have many advantages for your shop:

  • The store’s freshness (which can help Etsy SEO)
  • Customers have a motive to return (which can increase sales and conversion rate)
  • Investigate a new market segment (which can improve overall sales)

If you have less than 30-50 goods, listing additional products is one of the finest things you can do to boost your business.

You most likely have some bestsellers in your business that seem to be popular with numerous clients. Those items that consistently sell, get positive ratings and comments, and generate repeat consumers.

Examine those items carefully to determine what makes them unique. Reading good product reviews may be beneficial. You may then make comparable things or products with different colors, materials, and so forth.

Another method for developing new items is to consider how you might fill a gap in your target market area. Listen to your prospective consumers on the internet. Find them on forums or via unfavorable reviews on Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and so forth. And consider if there is a chance you can produce a superior product to meet their wants.

Finally, providing seasonal merchandise is an excellent approach to reach out to new clients. Make unique editions of your most popular things for holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, and Easter. This has a strong potential of increasing Etsy sales at such times.

Concentrate on products that do not convert well.

These products have already mastered one of the most difficult aspects: traffic. Now is the moment to figure out why they aren’t selling and fix them.

Bad images, dull product descriptions, missing facts, too pricey or too cheap, and so forth.

Return to the previous points of better imagery and better product description for additional specifics on how to improve your underperforming listings that have visitors. They are the foundation of a high converting product.

Use Etsy Advertising to Accelerate Growth

Yes, it takes money, but if done correctly, Etsy advertising is one of the most straightforward methods to improve your Etsy sales quickly.

Some basic Etsy advertising strategies:

  • Advertise your best-sellers first since customers are more likely to click and purchase them. Then market your mid-tier items (those get sales but not as much)
  • Check often, particularly in the start, and turn off promoted listings that don’t sell (especially high views and no sales)
  • Make certain that the expense does not surpass the profit.
  • When you run a deal, this is a great technique to employ since consumers are more likely to convert.

Create Customer-Favored Branding

Starbucks comes to mind when you think about coffee. Shoes for sports? Adidas and Nike You get the picture.

Branding and brand recognition are two of the most significant variables in a company’s success. It’s also one of the most hardest to develop since there’s so much to it.

Many people believe that branding is just the store name, logo, or business card designs, but it is much more. It includes all of your consumers’ “touchpoints”; branding is felt by the customer anytime they connect with your store.

You should consider how to wow your target audience with everything from your logo and banner to your customer service and product packaging.

Use Email Marketing to Gain Long-Term Customers

One of the most effective methods to create a solid connection with your consumers is via email marketing. As a result, they will return for future purchases. When people need the item you offer, your store will be the first to come to mind.

What method did you use to get their email address? As per your request.

But be cautious!

It is against Etsy policy to just add your customers’ email addresses to your mailing list. So, don’t do it!

Instead, you should request that they join up. Provide a registration link for your email list and urge people to join by offering incentives.

Take cautious not to provide them a discount coupon code too soon. You don’t want them to say anything like, “I just paid full price 30 minutes ago, and now I have a 10% off coupon that I could’ve used?” It’s not a nice sensation.

Develop a positive connection with these emails:

  • Thank you email
  • Something extra in exchange for your purchase (e.g. care guide)
  • Check to see whether they are pleased with their purchase. Request a review from them, and encourage them to contact you if there is an issue.
  • To make them feel unique and promote repeat purchases, give them a coupon code for their next purchase.
  • Keep them informed about new items and deals.

Learn more about how to use email marketing for your Etsy shop here.

How to Conduct a Successful Sale

Running a sale is a simple strategy to increase sales. There are, however, a few points to bear in mind if you don’t want to fall into traps.

One of the most common errors vendors make is running promotions and giving discounts so often that buyers anticipate it. Customers that shop online are astute. They can detect price changes and patterns, whether unconsciously or not.

You effectively make the reduced price your new’regular’ pricing, reducing your profit margin significantly.

Knowing when to provide discounts and when not to is thus critical.

Another aspect to consider is that many clients are tired of too sales-y words. “Big bargain!” “Only today!” “Limited time offer!” Overusing them or using them when you don’t intend it can endanger your consumers’ confidence.

Make a Product Bundle for a Larger Order Size

Bundling your best-sellers with additional goods might help you improve order size. Check if the bundle makes sense. The product might be of similar design, often used together (for example, a shaver and shaving cream), and so on.

You should be able to provide them with a discount for the larger purchase amount.

Include a little gift or freebie to wow your customers.

Reciprocity improves revenue and consumer loyalty.

According to research, buyers are more likely to return and make a purchase if they get a modest present or a pleasant surprise, particularly if the item is handcrafted.

So give them a modest gift as a surprise!

It’s even better if it’s a sample of another popular item in your store. It provides a compelling cause for your consumer to return and purchase that goods.

However, this is not the time to go overboard. You don’t always want to “undervalue” what you sell. If you provide your consumer another whole product that sells for the same amount for free. They will first ponder if the item they acquire is worth that much.

Using Coupon Codes to Encourage Repeat Purchases

Coupon codes, as indicated in the previous email segment, are an effective approach to persuade your consumers to return to your store.

Aside from sending them emails, another simple option to offer them a discount is to use Etsy’s “thank you” coupon system. A 10-15% coupon would usually enough. After all, you want to save greater discounts (20-30% off) for future huge sales.

Making Your Product Scarce (Only 3 Items Left)

Scarcity is one of the methods I use for my Etsy business. To promote scarcity and urgency for consumers, Etsy displays “just 3 available and it’s in 8 people’s carts.” It makes people believe that if they do not move quickly, they would miss out on purchasing that popular thing.

And you may take advantage of this.

Reduce the number of bestsellers to three or less. It generates a strong feeling of urgency for your prospective customer at no expense to you. This is an example of a jewelry search result page:

Provide Free Shipping

As on July 30th, 2019, Etsy will prioritize product listings that offer free delivery on orders of $35 or more.

Offering free delivery can boost your Etsy store’s search position and perhaps increase sales. A clear shipping policy is also beneficial. Learn more about whether you should provide free delivery by clicking here.

Use Social Media Correctly

Who now days isn’t on Facebook or Instagram?

If done correctly, they may significantly increase your Etsy sales. Many merchants, however, make the mistake of seeing them as sales tools, merely putting product photographs and expecting sales to flow in.

Remember that no one needs to watch you publish your own items every day. People on most social media networks are not seeking to purchase.

Instead, you should provide information that is beneficial to others (and still keep it related to your shop). If you offer home décor, you may provide material on how to design the item in your home. If you sell apparel, providing style advice might be beneficial.

The goal of social media is to provide a positive brand image and create connections with prospective consumers. When they are ready to buy, those connections will be crucial since your brand may be the first to come to mind.

Create a blog to increase external traffic.

Owning a blog is a long-term strategy for generating relevant visitors that can be converted into valued clients. However, be prepared to invest a significant amount of time, and results may not materialize for months or even years. It is not a quick technique to boost Etsy sales.

The idea is for your website to appear in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and even social media platforms such as Pinterest. Then direct those people to your Etsy store.

Create blog posts that will benefit your target audience. So, when people are seeking for knowledge, you may promote yourself as an expert and supply them with the information they want. You may even grab their email address and direct them to your Etsy store if you do it correctly.

Participate in Forums

When I say forum, I’m talking to forums outside of Etsy, such as Quora and other comparable sites. Don’t spend your time marketing on Etsy forums since it’s largely sellers that aren’t interested in purchasing no matter how wonderful your product is.

This is another another technique to assist your prospective consumers. Nobody wants to watch you promote your stuff in every forum post. Instead, utilize your knowledge and talents to respond to prospective consumers’ inquiries. Demonstrate to them that you are a reliable counsel. Demonstrate your expertise.

If done well, the folks reading it will be curious about who you are. Prepare details about your store on your profile so that people may visit it.

Use User Generated Content to Promote (Review Photos, Influencers, Etc)

UGC stands for user-generated content. They might be images that your customers publish in reviews, short films that they post on Instagram, or even influencer product reviews.

They are effective and credible because they reflect a trusted word-of-mouth reference.

But how do you get them?

One of the most effective methods is to ask your consumers. When evaluating a product, give them a letter urging them to attach a picture. If you have them on your mailing list, send them an email reminding them.

After obtaining permission, you may utilize the UGC in social media postings, email marketing campaigns, and so forth.

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