The Etsy Seller’s Ultimate SEO Guide

The Ultimate Etsy SEO Guide for Etsy Sellers

Creating an Etsy shop is just the first step.

You must also increase traffic to your internet business. Optimizing your Etsy shop for SEO is one of the most efficient methods to do this.

This comprehensive guide to Etsy SEO will teach you all you need to know about SEO for Etsy, boosting organic traffic, and more.

Let’s get this party started.

Section I: Table of Contents

  1. What is Etsy SEO?
  2. Why Organic Traffic Matters
  3. How Etsy Search Works
  4. Etsy SEO Ranking Factors
  5. Etsy SEO Tips to Rank Better
  6. Great Etsy SEO Tools to Try
  7. The Bottom Line

What exactly is Etsy SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing any website, webpage, profile, or listing so that it shows towards the top of search results.

Proper SEO can help your business to appear in high-traffic and high-intent search engine results, such as Etsy. SEO is often used by business owners and marketers to increase the visibility of their websites and profiles on major search engines such as Google.

However, you may use SEO to boost the visibility of your Etsy page in Etsy searches. Your Etsy shop’s SEO approach might have an impact on your organic traffic and sales data.

Improving your Etsy exposure might be challenging, but SEO can assist.

Here’s why Etsy SEO is so important.

  • It improves your visibility.

SEO may help you increase the exposure of your Etsy business. When your store or ad shows in search results, prospective buyers become more aware of it.

  • It aids in the growth of organic traffic.

Targeting high-volume keywords, questions, and phrases that people search for on Etsy is an excellent method to attract more organic traffic to your listings and items.

  • It contributes to increased sales.

With more exposure and traffic, you will have more opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

Why Organic Traffic Is Important

Organic traffic refers to people that arrive at your website naturally or from an unpaid source. Organic traffic on Etsy is generated via the Etsy platform and search engines such as Google and Bing.

When you frequently use sponsored advertisements on Google, Facebook, or Etsy, you’re taking money out of your pocket and reducing your net earnings. Increasing organic traffic helps you to attract more customers to your store without continually paying for advertisements.

Organic traffic leads to organic sales, which leads to more income and lower costs.

How Does Etsy Search Work?

Understanding how the Etsy algorithm works is essential for implementing a successful Etsy SEO plan and ranking high on Etsy.

When customers look for a certain product on the online marketplace, the shop’s search feature provides them with superior search engine results.

The Etsy algorithm is mainly divided into two phases:

1) Query comparison

2) Ordering

Many variables come into play here, but understanding how the algorithm works can help you acquire more visits and purchases on your Etsy store.

Let’s take a look at each step separately.

The query matching refers to how effectively an Etsy user’s search phrase matches the inventory listings on Etsy. Etsy searches items based on page titles, tags, categories, qualities in each listing, and other factors to discover the best match.

The practice of organizing results based on ranking parameters is known as ranking. Products that appear at the top of a search page tend to get more traffic. As an Etsy merchant, your objective is to rank as high as possible.

Factors Influencing Etsy SEO Ranking

Everyone should strive to learn how to rank better on Etsy. However, with millions of goods and over 7.5 million Etsy sellers, ranking high isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

Understanding the SEO ranking aspects that come into play when your search engine optimizes your listing can help you rank better than other Etsy merchants. Here are the ranking elements to think about.

  • Relevance

Your categories, characteristics, titles, and tags must closely match the search phrase entered by the user.

Making more relevant listings boosts their chances of ranking higher in Etsy search results. Exact match keywords to the query will display higher on the search page ranking.

  • Listing Quality Rating

The quality score of your listing also influences your Etsy ranking. The amount of views and sales on your listing are two of the most important criteria influencing its quality score.

  • Recency

Newer posts get more search results and appear higher in Etsy searches. This is due to Etsy boosting the listing in order to get it in front of more prospective consumers.

  • Score for Customer or Market Experience

Etsy tracks the customer or market experience score of each business. Customer reviews, a thorough About section, and negative comments or complaints may all have an impact on your customer experience score.

  • Shipping Cost

Shipping costs are an important consideration in a buyer’s purchase choice.

Etsy considers the delivery cost of your listing. If your items include free delivery, you will rank better on the Etsy marketplace.

  • Language and Translation

Your Etsy shop’s wording has an impact on your rankings as well. Ideally, you should retain your store information in the language that you choose when you created your Etsy account. This data comprises listing titles, tags, and descriptions.

  • Location of the Shop

The location of your Etsy shop also influences search ranking since Etsy favors results that are near to the prospective consumer. That way, you know that individuals looking for your items will not have to wait long for them to arrive.

  • Purchase Habits

Etsy records a shopper’s search and purchasing behavior. What items do they purchase? How much money do they spend? Etsy displays the search results that are most relevant to the shopper’s purchasing patterns.

Understanding how the Etsy search algorithm works makes it much simpler to improve your SEO.

Etsy SEO Tips to Improve Your Ranking

You now understand how Etsy search and search engine optimization operate.

When shoppers browse listings on Etsy, here are some SEO methods to help you rank better for competitive keywords.

Describe Your Products and Store in the title of Your Etsy Shop.

When shoppers search for an item on Etsy, one of the first things they look at is your store title.

Your shop title should explain what your business has to offer. A clear store title increases the chances of your business ranking well in certain search searches.

Create a title that describes the things you offer.

Make a name for your handmade jewelry, such as Mandala Handmade Jewelry or Zen Handmade Jewelry. In your title, spell out your product in the way that customers would while looking for it. In your title, use “Paintings” rather than “Paintingz.”

The title of your store will also be the title of the shop page. Take advantage of this chance by properly expressing your proposal from the start.

The length of a page title may be up to 55 characters. When you create or update your store name, you can see how it will appear in Google search results.

Choose Strategic Keywords.

The basis of your Etsy SEO approach is keyword research.

The ideal approach is to reverse engineer your target customer’s search process, taking into account the phrases and relevant keywords they would type into the Etsy search box while looking for goods in your category.

When a user searches for a “flannel scarf,” Etsy’s search algorithm begins searching for any goods that include the words “flannel” and “scarf.” Etsy then ranks the results based on the variables discussed previously in the article.

Here are some of the factors Etsy considers when prioritizing current Etsy listings in search results.

  • Etsy prefers to match phrases over individual words. As a result, an item with the tag “flannel scarf” will score better than an item with just the “flannel” or “scarf” tags.
  • An Etsy listing page that includes the search terms in both the title and the tags will rank better in search results.
  • Titles that include the keyword at the beginning will rank higher. A listing titled “Flannel scarf with embroidered name” will rank better than “Flannel scarf by Chicago-based artist.”

When choosing keywords for your Etsy listings, consider your ideal buyer. What would customers enter into the Etsy search field to find a product? What expressions would they use?

Use long-tail keywords or lengthy phrases to describe your goods and provide further information about your offer. Look for long-tail keywords that few Etsy businesses are using.

Examine your longtail keywords to determine if any goods are already ranking for them.

Use Search Terms in addition to Descriptions.

When researching keywords for a listing description and title, many sellers examine a product’s physical qualities, such as size or color. Avoid becoming like other Etsy shop owners by adding search phrases to your items in a variety of ways.

Consider terms such as events, style, or use cases.

  • Occasion: Try phrases such as “bucks party,” “anniversary,” “birthday,” “Halloween,” or “Christmas,” among many others that consumers may enter into Etsy’s search.
  • Buyers often want a certain sort of artwork, handicraft, or other handcrafted things. Depending on the type of your goods, use phrases like “vintage,” “rustic,” “minimalistic,” or “contemporary.”
  • Include terms that describe how a consumer would utilize your product. Examples include “desktop backgrounds” and “couple planners.”

Avoid overusing keywords.

Don’t pack keywords into your listing title, description, or tags. Overuse of keywords might detract from the shopper’s experience.

The initial few lines of the title and description, however, are always the most significant in assisting Etsy in assigning the relevant categories and qualities.

It’s worth noting that Etsy’s search results employ a de-clumping framework to prevent the reuse of the same major term. You will compete against yourself in search results if you flood Etsy with the identical terms.

Keep keyword density between 10% and 20% of your item’s text. To avoid repeating the same term again, utilize an online thesaurus to locate various synonyms for your essential keywords.

In each listing, use all 13 tags.

You may use thirteen tags on your listings as an Etsy merchant.

Tags aren’t required, but you should use them to their full potential by include all 13 tags that Etsy permits for each product listing. Consider the keywords that a consumer would use to find items in your category.

Do not use the same word or phrase in numerous tags. Consider synonyms such as “cap” and “hat,” or “slippers” and “flip-flops.” Tags may also have sentences added to them.

Update Your Listings.

When prioritizing search results, Etsy evaluates the recency of an item, therefore it’s a good idea to refresh your listings as often as feasible. Etsy has a tendency to temporarily elevate new listings in order to favor newer goods over older ones.

Renew your listings for the same, but less effective, bump. It might last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the amount of search queries for the listing.

However, since Etsy warns against constantly renewing or relisting things, this is not a long-term SEO strategy.

However, renewing your ads might assist you in staying ahead of the competition. Renew your listings during peak hours—you’ll get a larger boost at 6 PM than at 4 AM.

Increase Inbound Links by Promoting Your Store

Another successful SEO approach for increasing organic traffic is link development. It’s also a terrific method to boost search engine trust. You’ll be able to lead people from other platforms and websites if you create additional links.

The quantity of links also influences Google’s search rankings. More links pointing to your business or listings will boost your chances of ranking for certain search queries.

You may market your store in the following places:

  • Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
  • Your website’s blog
  • Your own landing page
  • Other blogs and websites where your product may be promoted
  • Quora discussion boards
  • Alternative markets

You may also set up an affiliate scheme to encourage affiliate partners to promote your store via various channels.

Moreover, it’s a great way to generate additional revenue. Up to ​​73% of merchants believe that affiliate marketing efforts met their revenue expectations.

Remember that getting inbound links is only one of the many ways to promote your Etsy shop.

Give a Fantastic Customer Experience.

Customer comments and reviews are very important in determining your Etsy search results.

Positive comments from consumers can help your Etsy shop rank higher.

To guarantee that your shop receives great comments, provide outstanding customer service. Delight your consumers so that they would post a favorable review.

You should do the following to enhance your customer service:

  • Respond quickly to client inquiries.
  • Be courteous in your answers.
  • Returns and exchanges should be processed as soon as feasible.
  • Provide status updates on situations like delayed shipment.
  • Respond to negative criticism and utilize it to enhance your business.

Include Relevant Attributes.

Another location where you might use critical keywords is the Attributes section.

Include important qualities to your product, but avoid utilizing ones that are already in your tags. If you mentioned in the characteristics that your product is a “still life of a flower vase,” you no longer need to include it in the tags.

Provide Reasonable Shipping Rates

Delivery costs affect your Etsy SEO results, so provide as many competitive shipping options as feasible. Make free delivery available for minimum purchases or basket sizes.

When you provide competitive shipping prices, you enhance your rating and your chances of selling.

Free shipping is the best incentive an online shop can give, according to 9 out of 10 shoppers.

Excellent Etsy SEO Tools to Try

There are several excellent resources and tools available to assist you enhance your SEO research and implementation. Here’s a small selection of tools you can start utilizing right now.


This is useful for keyword research and competitive analysis.


Ahrefs is a fantastic keyword research and competition analysis tool. You may also use it to monitor the keyword difficulty of certain keywords, allowing you to target the phrases that are the simplest to rank for.


This tool assists you in determining keywords, article length, heading count, and other parameters that may effect your results.


This tool, like SurferSEO, assists in determining keywords and article length. It also contains a traffic monitor and AI to assist in the creation of content briefs.

In conclusion

Hopefully, my comprehensive Etsy SEO guide has made it easy for you to execute an SEO plan that will increase your organic traffic.

Don’t be afraid to use the tactics provided in this article. Consider which approaches will make it simple to boost your Etsy SEO and increase traffic and sales to your business.

You may also find out more on my blog. Etsy selling tips.

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