Etsy Sellers: 16 Black Friday Promotion Ideas

16 Black Friday Promotion Ideas For Etsy Sellers

Run the Year’s Biggest Sale

The Black Friday Cyber Monday sale is the greatest selling event of the year, and many consumers are seeking for discounts that are not available at other times of the year. To generate excitement for this occasion, offer higher discounts than you normally do throughout the year, creating a feeling of urgency for customers to take advantage of them before it’s too late.

For example, if you typically provide a 20% discount, it is a good idea to offer a bigger proportion, such as 30-50%, during BFCM.

Introduce an Exciting New Product on Black Friday

Developing new items to debut during the Black Friday sales event is an excellent method to generate more interest. I would suggest introducing them after your sales announcement. This provides you with extra options to publicize your offer.

Make sure to notify your social media followers and email subscribers about the debut of your product. It’s a fantastic idea to emphasize that customers should purchase the new product during the BFCM sale to save money.

Create A Tiered Discount

When a store gives a bigger discount to consumers who spend more, this is known as a tiered discount. It is used to encourage people to purchase more and save more.

The tiered discount might be dependent on the minimum amount spent or the minimum number of things purchased. For example, a tiered minimum spending amount discount would look like this:

  • Orders under $50 get a 10% discount.
  • Orders get a 20% discount. $50-100
  • Orders of $100 or more get a 30% discount.

Customers’ average expenditure may rise as a result of this method because they may purchase an additional item (that they would not have purchased otherwise) to take advantage of a bigger discount. More things sold usually means more money and profit for your store.

Add a Free Gift to Black Friday Purchases

A tiny complimentary present is a terrific way to surprise your consumers and make their purchasing experience memorable. This increases their likelihood of returning for further purchases in the future. They may be enticed to purchase again over Christmas if it is shipped out on Black Friday.

Here are some free gift suggestions for your Etsy store. It might be a complimentary present or a sample of your best-selling product (for example, a little candle of your best-selling perfume) (for example, a pen for your handmade notebook).

The free present does not have to be extravagant. Make sure it doesn’t overwhelm your primary offering or take too much of your earnings.

Making Unique Product Bundles

Creating unique BFCM product bundles is an excellent approach to improve order size and enhance revenue. They are also an excellent technique to sell less popular things. Bundles are often sold at a lower cost than purchasing the products individually.

Bundling popular items with some less popular ones to move inventory is one method, while bundling a product with its complimentary products is another (like refills).

For Etsy SEO, target Black Friday-related keywords.

You may alter the titles and tags of your best-selling items before Black Friday to incorporate relevant long-tail keywords. Keywords such as “Black Friday Sale,” “Cyber Monday Deal,” and “BFCM Sale” are examples.

This allows you to target buyers seeking for BFCM bargains and appear in Etsy searches for relevant keywords. More consumers means more sales opportunities.

Use social media to publicize your sale.

Posting on social media sites to publicize your BFCM offer might help your campaign get popularity. To reach more people, utilize relevant hashtags such as #blackfridaysale and #cybermondaysale.

Concentrate on the platform where you’ve had the most success in the past. The social media platforms become increasingly competitive during BFCM. It’s difficult to experiment with new platforms when you don’t have a large following.

Creating eye-catching postings is one approach to publicize and generate enthusiasm for your BFCM sale. It may be tough to build them from scratch, therefore I’ve produced several designs that you can copy and customize for your Etsy store in minutes. The design may be seen in the Etsy Holiday Promotion Guide.

Run Black Friday Ads on Etsy

Etsy advertisements are a terrific way to reach out to more Christmas consumers and get your items in front of the appropriate people. They are less expensive to run than Facebook and Google advertisements, particularly during the BFCM season.

Etsy advertising are pay-per-click, which means you only pay when a customer clicks on one of your ads and visits your product listing. You may regulate how much money you spend on advertisements by modifying your daily budget.

To read more about Etsy ads, click here to read this article.

Offer Free Shipping on Orders Over a Certain Amount

Offering free delivery beyond a set purchasing level, similar to the tiered discount outlined previously in this article, may enhance client spending. You may do this by creating a sale on Etsy and selecting “Free Standard Shipping” in the “Discount amount” section:

According to a survey conducted by The Baymard Institute, shipping fees are one of the most common reasons why customers leave their purchasing carts.

Participate in Popular Black Friday Gift Guides

Having your product mentioned in prominent Black Friday gift recommendations might be game changer. Many periodicals, bloggers, and influencers seek for handcrafted things to include in gift suggestions for their audiences.

Although getting on a gift guide might be difficult, pitching your greatest items to periodicals may be worthwhile. The optimal time to pitch is between mid-October and early November. Keep your email or direct message brief – focus on who your product is for and what makes it unique.

Create Your Own Gift Guide For Your Blog Or Social Media Account

You may make your own BFCM gift guide if you have a blog or social media channels with a good following. This allows you to showcase your goods in a more personal and real manner.

You may include interesting handcrafted items that serve a similar target client in addition to your own. Just be certain they are not direct rivals. If you offer homemade bar soap, for example, you may highlight other Etsy sellers that manufacture bathroom and self-care items such as bath salt, candles, and essential oils.

Before Black Friday, send products to micro-influencers.

When most people think about influencers, they see famous celebrities with millions of followers. It would be fantastic to be featured in their feed, but getting their attention is tough.

Approaching micro-influencers, who typically have 1,000-50,000 followers, is a better method for Etsy entrepreneurs like you to get visibility. Despite the fact that they are not as well-known, their followers normally place greater faith in their advice.

Sending them free merchandise is one approach to increase your chances of being mentioned. Do your Black Friday campaign early in order to allow for delivery time and for the influencer to make great content. Make sure to talk with them ahead of time and come to mutually acceptable conditions (e.g. free product in extra for a post on the main feed).

Organize a Social Media Giveaway

A social media contest or giveaway is an excellent method for businesses to get new followers and boost engagement. The idea is to broaden your reach on the platform. To join the contest, you usually encourage people to follow you, like and comment on the post.

However, this strategy is not ideal since holding a giveaway may reduce your engagement rate in the long term. That is because your new followers (who follow you just for the sake of the giveaway) may not interact with your material, and a lower engagement rate reduces the reach of your content.

Make Graphics for Black Friday Shop Branding

Creating Black Friday-specific Etsy business branding will assist you in visually communicating with customers that your shop is having a huge deal. Not only that, but a well-organized Etsy business provides customers a professional first impression. You may produce the following visual assets:

  • Banner for an Etsy business
  • Icon of a store
  • Graphic for listing customization
  • Order confirmation banner

Donate to a Charity That Supports Your Brand’s Position

Donating to a charity in which you and your target consumers believe can be used to promote your Black Friday sale. This may help to boost your brand’s image in the eyes of your consumers.

You may give a portion of their sales between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Typically, it is 5-10% of profits. It’s a good idea to post a receipt for your contribution on social media or in your Etsy store thereafter.

Run daily deals on various products or categories.

This marketing technique enables you to provide a limited-time discount on a single product or group of items, giving your consumers a feeling of urgency to acquire.

This is best utilized in conjunction with email marketing or social media since it allows you to convey the daily bargain to your clients at the time of offer. The daily promotion might entice your consumers to return to your store and purchase more items.

Some Black Friday Q&A from Etsy

How to Create an Etsy Black Friday Sale

Go to your Dashboard and look for “Sales & Discount” under “Marketing” to put up your Black Friday deal on Etsy.

You have the option of holding a sale or creating a promotional code (coupon code). You may pick between a percentage and a set amount discount after clicking either of them. Generally, a percentage discount translates better for lower-priced things, whereas a set amount discount converts better for higher-priced ones.

Then, in order to qualify for the discount, you may choose a minimum order total or a minimum quantity of goods.

Should You Hold a Black Friday Sale More Than Once?

It is rather normal for internet companies, especially Etsy sellers like you, to extend their Black Friday sales beyond one day. Some stores extend their Black Friday sales for four days (from Black Friday to Cyber Monday) or even a week (start the sale the Monday before Black Friday).

Running the sale for more than one day provides you additional options for advertising, and beginning early has the added bonus of grabbing early Black Friday buyers.

When Should You Begin Your Black Friday Sale?

As previously said, launching your Black Friday sale early will assist your Etsy store in getting ahead of the competition and capturing early purchases. I would start your deal before Black Friday and prolong it till Cyber Monday.

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