How to Create an Etsy Cover Photo and Launch an Online Store

How to Design an Etsy Cover Photo and Launch Your Online Shop

Etsy began in 2005, when selling online was popular and it seemed like everyone you spoke to had a side company.

Etsy, which caters to crafts, artisans, and artists, has expanded to 1.98 million sellers, 35.8 million active consumers, and over 50 million goods, indicating that it’s a massive industry with plenty of potential — and plenty of competition.

If you’re beginning or renovating an Etsy company, have a look at this advise from two shop owners (and Looka users) who were kind enough to offer their tips on how to create a sellable Etsy store.

TwinLeaves Jewelry is managed by Erin Waters, who offers her handcrafted bohemian-inspired earrings. She has also just opened a sister store called BohoKiddoCo.

Sophie Paton owns SPCardsCo, a company that provides hand-crafted greeting cards for occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and holidays.

To begin, you’ll need to fill out a few information on Etsy, such as:

  • Your shopping habits (country, language, currency)
  • Your business name (no spaces allowed!)
  • A product catalog (you need to add at least one product to proceed with shop setup) – additional product photography advice later in this post
  • Bank account information is required to initiate payments.

After you’ve built your store, you can begin working on design and branding. You may add branded graphics to three primary areas at the top of your shop:

  1. Cover picture – The image that covers the top of your store (formerly known as a banner — you may have both, but the banner will not appear on mobile and will be smaller and less effective than your cover photo).
  2. Shop icon – The graphic that shows to the left of your shop name beneath your cover photo (usually a logo).
  3. Profile picture – The image that shows on the right side of your business under the cover photo (often a photo of you!)

Take a peek at the TwinLeaves store:

“I had a vision for my cover shot, which is to feel as if you’re drowning in color and texture,” Erin says of her store. “I got the feathers from Clipart Brat on Etsy and the yummy painted backdrop someplace else online.” I spent a long time arranging the feathers so that they all flowed together.

My advise is to avoid feeling pressed to make everything perfect right away. Take the time to browse gorgeous businesses and find out what and why you’re attracted to them.

If you can connect it to your product, you have a decent chance of giving your clients a similar experience.

In addition, ask questions! Most of the creators I know are eager to give useful information.”

Sophie from SPCardsCo is up next:

“I wanted SPCardsCo’s identity to be both fun and quirky, like the cards we make, and classy.” My logo appears on my Etsy shop’s profile image and cover photo, as well as all of SPCardsCo’s social media pages.

Consistency in your branding is critical for clients to recognize your organization throughout these many profiles. I usually use the PNG versions of our logo online since they are pixel-free.

I like changing my cover picture to fit the seasons or special holidays, such as Christmas or Easter.

Canva is where I go to create visuals to advertise certain product lines, new releases, events, and discount offers. It’s simple to use, and you can add your own photographs to produce social media updates or a seasonal cover shot, such as your logo.

Burst is where I go for free photographs for my social media postings; they offer a huge selection of free stock photos to utilize.

My recommendation to others is to do extensive study. There is a wealth of information available online from bloggers, other Etsians, and other small companies on how to set up an Etsy store and market your wares.

Spend time considering how you want your store to appear, who your target audience is, and how you want to advertise your shop once it is up and running.”

How to Create an Etsy Cover Photo and Upload It to Your Store

To recap, the cover picture is the image that runs over the top of your store. Etsy recommends 3360 x 840 pixels for the finest viewing. The minimum size is 1200 x 300 pixels.

You have many choices for your cover photo:

  • Create your own cover picture using a commercial application such as Illustrator or Photoshop, or a free program such as PicMonkey.
  • Cover picture templates may be purchased from another Etsy vendor (see Erin’s recommendation above) or Creatopy. Remember to choose patterns or designs that complement the colors and emotions of your logo and other branding!
  • Take a product shot that will serve as your cover image. Keep in mind that it should be a wide view, and it is better to avoid using anything bustling or congested.
  • You may also add your logo to your cover picture, like Sophie did above, if you have a tool like Illustrator or Canva.
  • Please keep in mind that if you ordered a Looka logo and social media package, Etsy cover picture choices with your logo are included.

Once you’ve prepared and saved your cover picture, here’s how to add or update it on Etsy:

  1. Please sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to your Store Manager and click the edit (pencil) button next to your shop name in the Sales Channels section.
  3. To modify an existing picture, click the camera icon in the lower right corner.
  4. Choose your cover picture and click Save Changes.

How to Create an Etsy Store Icon

The shop symbol is the graphic that shows to the left of your business name under your cover picture. This is an excellent location for your logo! If you don’t already have a logo, browse our logo ideas collection or use our logo maker to get started.

Your store icon should be 500 x 500 pixels (note: if you bought Looka’s social media kit add-on, you’ll get an Etsy-sized version of your logo).

To add or edit your Etsy store icon, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Etsy account.
  2. Navigate to your Store Manager and click the edit (pencil) button next to your shop name in the Sales Channels section.
  3. Select the camera icon to the right of the store image.
  4. Choose your file and then click Save Changes.

How to Update Your Etsy Profile Picture (shop owner image)

The profile picture is the image that shows underneath the cover photo on the right side of your business. It’s generally a photograph of you, the store owner, that exudes trust and charisma.

To add or edit your Etsy profile picture, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Etsy account.
  2. Click You, then Account Settings, and finally Public Profile.
  3. Choose or Browse for a file.
  4. Choose your file and then click Save Changes.

Product photography tips for Etsy

Your product images will be critical to the success of your Etsy business. As previously stated, you will not be able to build your shop unless you have at least one product listing.

Photos of products must be at least 1000 pixels wide. Etsy automatically resizes and crops photographs from the center — for more information on modifying and scaling listing photos, see this page.

Erin from TwinLeaves explains how she shoots products:

“I photograph the products myself, but I delay a lot – I believe I have approximately 20 items that need to be shot right now!” I aim to utilize natural light, minimal props, and make sure that the products are well depicted so that the colors aren’t too distorted.

I’d also want to have a model to shoot. “One of these days!”

Sophie, who outsources her photography, is another example:

“Product photography is very crucial when advertising your online store and drawing buyers’ attention.”

Product photographs for SPCardsCo are shot by a dear friend who is a skilled photographer. She had never done product photography before, but she was up for the challenge and did an excellent job.

We utilized wooden backboards as well as numerous accessories (mostly plants!). I used cactus (which I like) to create a colorful, sharp picture of my cards. The backboards were purchased from a fellow “Etsian” who was delighted to construct a bespoke order for me for the purpose of product photography.

My biggest advice to someone who is creating their own product photography is to keep it simple: utilize natural light (no flash!) and a basic backdrop.

If you’re not comfortable performing product photography, consider hiring a local or amateur photographer. It will be considerably less expensive than hiring a professional photographer, and they do not have to specialize in product photography; most will welcome the chance to try something new.”

Marketing Ideas for Your Etsy Shop

You’ll want to show off your store once it’s up and running. Because Etsy is such a visual site, all of your hard work on your store design, product photographs, and logo will translate nicely to social media. (Also, check out our guide on utilizing your logo on social media.)

“I really like Instagram. “It’s the way to go if you don’t have a dollar to spend on advertising,” says Erin of TwinLeaves.

“Of course, I’ve utilized paid advertisements, but at my level (part-time company), paid ads might be difficult to manage.” You may discover how to reach a large number of individuals who are seeking for items similar to the ones you sell by using Instagram. It’s very simple to use, and every snap looks fantastic.”

Sophie also discussed how she promotes SPCardsCo on social media.

“I depend heavily on my Instagram and Facebook profiles to promote new lines, promotions, and discount coupons.”

Several websites have compiled a list of hashtags you may use on social media to advertise the sort of goods you’re promoting. I like this Folksy blog article and utilize many of the hashtags they recommend, including #craftsposure and #createmakeshare.

I usually have a list of current hashtags to utilize for each post on my phone’s notes, especially when marketing handcrafted items like greeting cards.”

That’s all there is to it! The fundamentals of setting up, branding, and marketing your Etsy store. Let us review.

Important takeaways

  • Before you begin your Etsy store, you must have a one-word shop name, at least one product listing, and bank account information.
  • You’ll need a cover picture, a shop symbol (typically a logo! ), and a profile photo to establish your business. Check how these materials appear together and ensure that all photos are properly sized!
  • Product photographs are critical for an Etsy shop’s success. Spend time shooting attractive images, or outsource the chore if it isn’t your strong suit.
  • Request assistance! As Sophie points out, there are several blogs written by other “Etsians” on how to create product lists, improve sales, and make your Etsy store appear amazing. Her particular favorite is Fuzzy & Birch’s The Ultimate Guide to Etsy, which provides frequent suggestions, activities, and information on how to start a successful Etsy shop.
  • When it comes to Etsy marketing, social media is your best friend! Spending work on your product images, logo, and other branding assets can give you a wonderful head start when it comes to developing graphics to publish on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.

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