SEO advice for Etsy sellers (2022)

Tips for your SEO on Etsy (2022)


  • Overview
  • What attracts sales on Etsy
  • Improve your Etsy SEO
  • Create your own website with Etsy’s latest product
  • Further tools for your business


Thousands of other sellers, like you, have developed their companies on the top marketplaces and e-commerce platforms, increasing sales potential and satisfying the demands of global consumers. Nonetheless, ranking in selling channel algorithms is always difficult, particularly for multichannel merchants that are striving to widen their selling horizons by launching new e-stores from the ground up.

This post will teach you the best strategies for scaling your Etsy business and selling more.

How to Increase Sales on Etsy

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade items.

Etsy, as you may know, is a marketplace for selling craft materials, vintage, and handcrafted items. Unlike Amazon and eBay, Etsy does not allow branded goods selling, in part because customers expect to discover handcrafted and one-of-a-kind things. Indeed, one of the pillars of Etsy is the availability of handcrafted and customisable items adapted to the demands of customers.

Despite Etsy’s tight product standards, there are a plethora of diverse items, and standing out from the crowd isn’t easy.

What is the Etsy search algorithm?

The Etsy searching box enables users to enter in the items they’re looking for, which causes the algorithm to match the query to the products’ titles, tags, and categories, displaying products connected with relevant keywords and tagged with a low-mid price as the initial results. Etsy honors listing quality ratings, increasing the visibility of well-rated merchants’ products among previous customers.

As a result, if you want to increase sales and build your firm, you should definitely start employing SEO strategies. Because SEO activities might be perplexing, start by putting yourself in the shoes of your consumers and asking yourself:

  • How would I go about finding my products?
  • What makes my products unique?
  • Which clients are likely to be interested in what I offer and how they use the internet?

Enhance your Etsy SEO

10 Listing Optimization Tips

Etsy’s system selects and displays optimal items on the first page of results. In the following paragraphs, you will discover ten SEO methods for cracking the Etsy ranking system.

1. Use product names that are brief yet comprehensive.

When search engines attempt to match things with searches, the title is the first thing they look at. That is why you should select your phrases carefully, keeping in mind that on Etsy, the first few words of the title influence listing placement in the page results. The goal is to employ the most relevant searches at the start of the title, writing what you anticipate your clients to enter into a search box.

Assume you’re explaining your product to a good client: prioritize vital material, use just one language, eliminate mistakes, and avoid repeating terms or ideas. Keyword stuffing is a thing of the past.

  • If you want to learn more about the best listing title practices, check out our simple guide:

How to write eCommerce listing titles that sell on marketplaces

2. Avoid using the same terms.

You’re probably focused, like many sellers, on selling a collection of related things, such as vintage clothing and accessories, or necklaces and bracelets, and so on. One of the most common seller mistakes is using the same set of keywords to rank several goods, even if they are in the same product category.

You could imagine that after you’ve identified some relevant keywords for your items, you’ll only need to keep employing those queries to rank your product towards the top of the search results. This is known as keyword cannibalization, and it is fairly frequent among inexperienced SEO vendors.

Indeed, Etsy’s algorithm only displays one or two items from the same seller that rank using the same combination of keywords. So, consider using alternative searches to increase the exposure of your goods while preventing keyword cannibalization.

3. Create a memorable and appealing description.

The description field does not need to include any relevant keywords. The goal here is not to rank high in search results, but to persuade prospective customers, who have already been enticed by your product title, to click on your listing and purchase your goods.

If you want to create an enticing description, describe the most important product characteristics in the first 160 characters. You may believe that exceeding this quantity will not be an issue, but it is.

You must ensure that all of your items’ qualities and specifications appear as meta-descriptions in Google search results. While the description is completely integrated and visible in your listings, the meta-description is a brief text that appears in the browser under the product title. As a result, in order to increase your sales, you should consider optimizing your listings for both Etsy and Google.

  • To summarize, separate the most critical things you want to express to your consumers from the less important ones. Second, fill the first 160 characters of your description with the items you believe will pique your clients’ interest, and lastly, include the remaining parts to finish the product description section.

4. Do not skip over the Tag part.

Although tags are not required on Etsy, you should definitely use them to improve your listings. Tags assist you in ranking for related keywords and widen the variety of queries used in your title. One of the most effective approaches is to add synonyms or interchangeable keywords used in product searches. For example, if you offer antique “sunglasses,” you may include “shades” or “goggles” in the tag area if you want to attract British buyers.

So tags are incredibly helpful, and employing them will assist you with both climbing the search results and grabbing various consumers’ nieces.

5. Link back to your listings

Inbound links provide traffic to your listings. Using your own social media accounts is the simplest approach to get free connections. Maintain the activity on your social sites by posting links to your product listings. Sharing on social media may have a significant influence on your SEO and visitors, particularly if a post receives comments or is shared.

  • Nembol, for example, allows you to post your Etsy items on four distinct social networking platforms: Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.

6. Analyze your immediate rivals’ strategies to better your own.

Selling on marketplaces entails competing with thousands of sellers from all over the world that offer comparable items but have different sales backgrounds.

Regardless of your expertise or knowledge, you should constantly keep an eye on your rivals’ strategies and development, anticipating and learning from them.

To find the best sellers in your product category, put the name of the item you want into the box and scroll through the first several results. After you’ve clicked, look at the right side of the product sheet to see:

  • The “bestseller” Etsy tag
  • How many products are presently in your shopping cart?
  • The quantity of sales

These aspects demonstrate (on a small scale) how many people like your competitor’s items, enabling you to compare your listings and implement fresh marketing strategies.

7. Keep an eye out for competitive prices.

Price is quite important on Etsy, since both buyers and the algorithm favour items classified with e a low-mid price. Indeed, Etsy prioritizes goods that are more convenient and competitive on the top pages. That is why you should neither overprice or underprice your items. But how can you choose the appropriate pricing for your items?

  • Consider the cost of raw materials and suppliers.
  • Consider the listing, relisting, and ad expenses (if you want to promote your items)
  • Examine your immediate rivals’ pricing strategies.
  • Consider employing psychological pricing tactics to pique the interest of your customers.
  • Reward your efforts and calculate how much you wish to profit from each sale.

If you are a multichannel business, you are probably aware of how essential pricing on Etsy is. That is why you will most likely need to manually modify the pricing of your products when selling them on Etsy from another channel.

Setting up a pricing rule using Nembol can ultimately simplify your company. You may opt to boost or reduce your listing based on the desired channel in advance. To use it, just enter a positive or negative percentage to increase or lower the price proportionately.

Why selling on just one Etsy store, when you can sell on two of them?

Cross-list products on up to 2 Etsy stores, 2 eBay stores, 2 Shopify stores, and more.
Sync inventory in real-time, edit products centrally, set different pricing rules and grow sales.
Easy and fast setup.

Nembol, everything at your fingertips!


8. Select catchy and representative images

Have you ever heard the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover?” This metaphor, however, does not work on Etsy! People need to examine what they’re getting when they’re buying craft providers, handmade or antique items, so they can figure out the size, quality, and specifications of the goods.

Choose high-quality photographs that will provide your customers with all of the information they need at a look.

For more: Listing Image Requirements

9. Become a top seller by receiving favorable reviews.

As a vendor, your primary aim is to please your consumers, keep those who have previously purchased your items loyal, and attract new prospective customers. The Etsy algorithm favors merchants with high ratings. Here are some pointers to help you improve your rating:

  • Make an effort to be detailed about product requirements.
  • Be precise about shipment dates.
  • Respond to your consumers’ inquiries.
  • Privately solicit opinions and recommendations from your regular consumers to enhance their purchasing experience at your e-stores.

10. Consider initiating an advertising campaign.

Promoting your stuff may be a quick way to get people to know about your company and products. Ads are placed in key page places to increase the likelihood of purchases and clicks, allowing you to go up the Etsy page results.

Although the Etsy algorithm will maximize the reachability of your advertisements (and hence of your items), you must consider smart bidding for your listings to prevent wasting money. Indeed, ad marketing on Etsy follows an auction approach; the higher your bid price, the greater your chances of being shown in a key place.

However, keep in mind that the money you invest in advertisements will diminish the value of your sales; hence, don’t splurge, but rather establish a budget that is manageable for your company and set your maximum bid limit (at least $1) in advance.

Aside from app advertising, you may want to explore conducting promos on social media. For example, you may reach more individuals interested in your items by implementing a lookalike campaign to target visitors comparable to your buyer niche.

  • More on those PRO selling tactics may be found here: how to increase Etsy sales.

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