Tips for Promoting Your Etsy Shop on Social Media

Etsy Social Media Marketing Tips to Promote your Etsy Shop

Etsy is the key for artists, manufacturers, fashionistas, and independent businesses to achieve higher and incremental objectives in terms of e-commerce storefronts. To increase sales and traffic on Etsy, your shop must be visible; for this, you must explore better advertising methods for your Etsy business.

Etsy companies are now making good use of social media. To market, expand visibility, retain consumers, and, of course, the most important component in keeping purchasers returning.

So you may be thinking, “How did brands do it?” Continue reading to learn the secrets of utilizing social media to market your Etsy business.

Top 2021 Etsy Social Media Tips

What role does social media play in your Etsy store?

According to Statista, social networking sites are expected to surpass 3.78 billion subscribers by June 29, 2021. These estimates are projected to rise further as mobile device adoption and mobile social networks gain popularity in previously untapped regions.

As a small company owner, one of your most cost-effective advertising tools is social networking. You may engage with consumers, raise brand exposure, and influence new prospective purchases by using social media marketing. Each channel has advantages and disadvantages, making it suitable for various types of marketing.

Before establishing a social media campaign, consider what kind of promotions you want to run and which platform would be the greatest fit. It is true that the most difficult thing is getting started; before diving into the world of Etsy social media marketing, analyze your online presence across several channels.

If you’re just getting started with social media marketing, instead of advertising your business on every platform, start with one that’s a good fit for your items and resonates with you and your target customer. Use each of the social media sites to your advantage if you are a socially conscious Etsy merchant, and even if you aren’t, we are here to help with our quick-start guide.

Which Social Media Platform Should You Use for Your Etsy Store?

Every day, many individuals spend hours scrolling through social media. Their guard is down when browsing, so they are more receptive to new information. Consider your target buyers and where they hang out. Do you want to show them product images? video sharing? Choose any platform that will help you raise awareness and engagement. Use this overview to learn about the best practices for each channel.

Using Facebook to Connect with Buyers

According to a Statista research published on June 29, 2021, industry leader Facebook was the first social network to cross one billion registered accounts and now has more than 2.79 billion monthly active members.

Facebook is an excellent platform for connecting with clients who are already acquainted with your brand and goods. Use Facebook technologies like Facebook Live to cut through the clutter, start a discussion with your consumers, and keep them updated on what’s going on with your company.

Furthermore, Facebook may help spread the news about your new items and provide sneak peaks into things as they evolve. Facebook is an excellent location to gather product development input and give behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company.

If you are new to Facebook promotions, it is recommended that you begin by advertising listings and content to the people whose views you value the most: close friends and family. At the same time, you may reach out to friends, coworkers, and, eventually, a broader audience.

In this context, Etsy social media suggestions include,

Best for: Sharing Shop News, Press & Blog Entries, Off-Camera Activity, and Reaching a Wide Age Range.

It is ineffective for reaching out to younger age groups due to a lack of visually engaging information.

In this sense, some useful Etsy social media suggestions are as follows:

  • Create a Facebook page for your Etsy store.
  • Spend a lot of money on Facebook ads.
  • Giveaways may help you grow your following.
  • Share one-of-a-kind material in product listings.
  • Maintain constant contact with your audience.
  • Create premium “Clubs” for your chosen demographic using Groups.
  • Experiment with various forms such as movies, still photographs, and slide-shares.

Instagram as a Platform for Brand Storytelling

Still unsure how to advertise your Etsy shop? You do, however, have a catch here. Etsy sellers are often creative from the bottom of their hearts, and Instagram is a venue where you can tell the narrative behind the walls. You will improve your brand’s visual appeal by connecting with customers by sharing components, techniques, and end goods.

In this context, Etsy social media suggestions include,

Best for: eye-catching images, hashtag campaigns, gaining followers, impact marketing, and reaching out to specific consumers.

Long product copy and long language parts are not suitable.

Popular hashtags on Etsy

#etsy #etsyshop #etsystore #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyseller #etsylove #etsyfinds #etsygifts #etsysuccess

Your shop’s hashtag

Using your shop name as a hashtag on Instagram might result in your Etsy store being indexed among the top results of Google search, resulting in more interactions on those hashtags straight from organic search, bringing higher traffic, as “Ironmaidart,” one of the top Etsy businesses, has done.

Hashtag boutiques and businesses

#thatsdarling #shopoholics #shoppingday #fashionaddict #currentlywearing #flatlay #instastyle #etsygifts #etsyfashion

Products in development

#handmade #handcrafted #creativedaily #wip #workinprogress #makersgonnamake

For self-portraits

#me #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #communityovercompetition #creativedaily

Instagram and Etsy are similar in that they are both picture-based. Both allow you to showcase your items from various angles, which is critical for closing a purchase over the internet since your consumers cannot view your things in person.

In this sense, some useful Etsy social media suggestions are as follows:

  • Make your posts lively.
  • Practice telling excellent stories.
  • Engage with your audience.
  • Track Insta-insights on a regular basis.
  • Use relevant hashtags and captions.

The Keeper on Pinterest

Assume you have an Etsy business that offers men’s wellness items. The average customer(s) is/are between the ages of 30 and 45. Sellers like you are likely to promote your Etsy business on Pinterest.

Pinterest is the most UNUSED (but very effective) channel for marketing your Etsy business. Etsy’s social media shop on Pinterest is the ideal venue for all mood board enthusiasts to display exceptional curation that garners the most attention from consumers.

Pinterest can expand your sales faster than any other site, and it’s also very easy to maintain—plan your pins in 30 minutes every week, and you’re set.

When it comes to user base, Facebook ranks high, but the reality is different when it comes to commerce. According to an E-marketer survey, Pinterest is the buying destination of 47% of Instagram users.

According to the most current statistics, 81% of Pinterest users are female, with an average age of 40. Furthermore, the majority of dynamic pinners are under the age of 40. As a result, it is a goldmine for groups that specialize on women.

In this context, Etsy social media suggestions include,

Best For: Trend-obsessed individuals, social media trend-spotters, and visual thinkers.

Extensive or comparable material is not appropriate.

Because you’ve already learned a lot from the preceding knowledge, here are a few easy Etsy social media strategies for Pinterest you may use right away.

  • Continue to pin at regular intervals.
  • Swap your pins and remarks.
  • Don’t just keep marketing your business.
  • Keep up with what other pinners are up to.
  • Pin interesting descriptions and cover pins to your board.

Trends from Twitter

If you want to make every word matter as an Etsy seller, onboarding your Etsy business on Twitter is the greatest solution for you. When you have a restricted voice among the top influencers who can make a huge effect in the industry, Twitter comes into play.

Statista illustrates a quarterly increase in the number of active Twitter users globally. Twitter has a distinct user base that is opinionated, up-to-date, and genuine.

In this context, Etsy social media suggestions include,

You may include hashtags that are relevant to your posts to make them easier to locate. You may also check the topics and hashtags and make a point of incorporating them into your regular postings.

Etsy offers some helpful hints for its sellers on how to make the most of Twitter’s 280-character limit.

  • Schedule your tweets on a calendar.
  • Twitter Analytics allows you to monitor your progress.
  • Create interesting material to get more followers.
  • Participate in a discussion with the larger industry and base.
  • Use the most current hashtag points to promote your products.

Top 2021 Etsy Social Media Tips

Your closest buddy is information. You should keep an eye on your Etsy Social Media shops as a merchant. They will show you which posts/pins are getting the most attention.

We’ve collected a list of Etsy social media recommendations that are fast and easy to implement to increase your Etsy social media presence.

Capture One-of-a-Kind Product Images

Post appealing photographs of your stuff; shoppers want to view every nook and cranny of the thing before purchasing it. To make a point here, Etsy merchants might utilize precise photographic methods to perfect product showing.

Consider using the ‘Rule of Thumb’ while photographing your goods. Check the photo angle and lighting proportion if you are capturing the photographs yourself; you may also use photo editing tools if necessary.

As a result, share stunning images on Pinterest as well. This is a wonderful way to stand out from the crowd and rapidly attract the buyer’s attention. When you find an interesting image on Pinterest, save it to your blog or give it to others so they may save it as well.

You may also publish images of the manufacturing and packing of your goods, as well as the process behind them, to offer your consumers a glimpse into how you manufacture your stuff. When you offer a new item in your business, provide images as soon as possible to entice people to buy them.

Taking product images for your social media business does not have to be terrifying; it should be enjoyable. We hope these pointers make your Etsy social media marketing easier.

Mentions and hashtags may be used to provide context.

Mentions and hashtags are useful for individuals who are interested in certain trending subjects. People may readily access similar material on social media by using feeds and searching. Hashtags and mentions (tagging someone or something) are becoming more popular in social media postings and content.

As an Etsy merchant, you may utilize hashtags related to your business, product, or target demographic. You may, however, use it for events, new upgrades, or environmental and social concerns. You may utilize hashtags and mentions to advertise your Etsy store and items by connecting with audiences on Instagram, Twitter, and even Facebook.

Participate in Community Activities

To the greatest degree feasible, Etsy store owners should join the social networks of other merchants, influencers, and shoppers on social media. You should investigate and use social media technologies in order to interact, remark, and provide regular updates.

Etsy vendors, for example, have a specialized network on social media channels that helps them develop gradually together.

Experiment with various methods of promotion.

One of the most adaptable social media tools for combining your Etsy social media shop’s advertising plan. Promotional programs may range from modest gifts to seasonal deals and discounts. A promotional campaign is an extremely effective method for disseminating information, broadening the reach, and increasing awareness.

Maintain Consistency on Social Media

You must continue to publish whether or not you are seeing a lot of activity on your pages. To maintain a consistent stream of relationships with postings, you must maintain your social presence twice or three times every week.

When you stop being consistent with your postings, your audience will lose interest in what you’re posting in the long term. Keep an eye on your postings and replies. When you get a question message or a remark, try to respond as soon as possible through whatever channel. It suggests that you are engaged. You must be accessible and interested.

To gain a more substantial commitment from your clients, you should be distinctive and imaginative with your goods all together. Post material that your audience will want to read and share.

Tell Your Brand’s Story

A sophisticated and well-crafted About section may assist you capture the audience’s attention and awareness. When a shop’s About section delves into particular real-life adventures and turning moments, such as overcoming adversity, developing a new product to meet a need, or how the company has influenced someone’s life, it transforms it into a realistic tale.

It is more difficult to develop a potentially profile-worthy tale without this sort of important information. Furthermore, including a well-formatted explanation of your brand’s narrative, creative process, and what motivates you in your About section does wonders for engaging your audience with your work.

Last Thoughts

Listening to your customers and connecting with them is the secret to Etsy’s social media marketing success. These platforms provide all-around interaction. Comments, shares, likes, mentions, and advertising metrics may reveal a lot about your consumers and what they want. You just need to learn to listen.

Create, listen, review/revise your strategy, and then repeat. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to developing a successful Etsy social media marketing plan across the most popular social media sites.

We at Cedcommerce are always happy to assist you with anything Etsy-related, and we’d love to hear about any other unique methods you’ve discovered to market your Etsy business. If you’ve found or invented a novel strategy to market your shop, please share your expertise in the comments section below.

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