Top 5 SEO Strategies for Increasing Shop Visibility on Etsy

Top Five Ways To Get Your Shop Seen on Etsy with SEO

Can consumers locate your business while they are seeking for your products?

Are you easily discovered in Etsy search results?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might be a difficult subject to master, but it is critical for increasing Etsy sales.

Richie Peplin, co-founder of Marmalead, an Etsy SEO and market research tool, presents The Top Five Ways To Get Your Shop Seen On Etsy With SEO with us!

Etsy has developed significantly over the years and has become a very competitive marketplace.

It is no longer sufficient to just advertise it and have purchasers come on your door.

With over 30 million postings, you must work hard as well as smart.

1. Compete in Markets Where You Are Present!

We see far too many businesses attempting to compete just in large areas with wide keywords. This creates at least three major issues:

Buyers are people, and people are strange.

Yes, we looked for “present for her,” but the results were overwhelming.

There are so many, and we’re simply not adept at sorting through that much information.

Unless you have a very unique item, such as one of our clients who produces humorous greeting cards and coffee mugs that I can see from away, you’re likely to be overlooked in the midst of the overwhelming onslaught of jewelry and t-shirts.

What is the next step? We look for something more specialized, and that’s where you want to be discovered.

When you compete with 500,000 listings, that’s a lot of moving competition.

They’re selling, re-listing, and making changes.

You’re attempting to make your single grain of sand stand out from the rest of the beach.

Yes, it is feasible to score well for wide keywords; it occurs all the time.

It’s simply more difficult to remain there.

Buyers who search for broad keywords have no idea what they’re looking for.

Etsy is aware of this and has actually designed against it.

Today, when I search “gift for her,” I am provided with recommendations to narrow my search rather than results.

Etsy urges me to buy Jewelry, Accessories, Home & Living, Clothing, or Bags & Purses.

Why? Because they know I’ll get tired of shopping and leave empty-handed.

2. Tag And Title Match

The Etsy search engine need assistance in comprehending what your listing is about.

Include a keyword in both the Tags and the Title of the listing to assist it along.

This is a better match since it sees the same same phrase in both locations, implying that it is more significant.

Another little-known truth is that in search, Etsy prioritizes the front of your title above the back.

Again, the most significant words are assumed to appear first.

The arrangement of the tags, on the other hand, is unimportant.

3. Keeping Listings Up to Date (Renewing More Than Your Competition)

Newness is important.

It’s referred to as a tie breaker.

When Etsy encounters a large number of well-optimized listings for a particular search, it must select which to prioritize.

How can they deal with such a quandary when some are perfect matches?

The newer ones win. Newer refers to either a brand new listing or a one that has been renewed.

The age of your listing is determined by the market you’re in.

If you’re competing in a highly competitive and dynamic market like “present for her,” where listings are continually added and renewed (since there are 626,000 listings), you’ll need to renew more often than if you’re competing in a market with 20,000 listings.

4. Selecting the Most Effective Keywords

It all comes down to selecting the keywords that receive the most attention while also being the greatest match for your items.

Attention on Etsy means views and likes, not Google or anyplace else.

Etsy is a one-of-a-kind marketplace. Etsy is my only choice for anything handmade.

It all starts with opinions.

You have no chance of completing the deal until a consumer sees your listing. We utilize views per week (views/wk) at Marmalead and prefer keywords with more than 60 views/wk.

Favoriting is an even stronger indicator of involvement. Customers like goods they truly like, and those favorites appear on their home screen, so they better like them.

For a good term, we prefer to see 8 or more favorites every week on average.

60 views and 8 favorites may not seem like much on their own, but they are per listing. We’re talking 6,000+ views and 800+ favorites every week when you have over 100 items.

5. Using the Buckets Strategy to Increase Views

I’ve been experimenting with strategies to arrange the chaos of handling hundreds of postings all targeting different keywords.

I came up with a structure I call the Buckets Strategy.

The Bucket Method:

The goal is to have one of your listings appear on each of the first 12 pages of the Etsy search results.

This allows you to spend more time in front of customers.

You just need the keywords you want to get discovered for and your listings to get started.

Each keyword is assigned to a “bucket.”

Listings are organized into buckets.

Single listings may be classified into many categories, particularly if you create two listings for the same goods on Etsy.

This is possibly best explained by the following example:

Bucket #1 may be called “Silver Starfish.”

I’ll next go through my items and select which 12 are most suited for “silver starfish.”

Once I’ve accumulated 12, I’ll either create new listings or alter current ones to include the keyword.

I’ll add “silver starfish” at the beginning of my title and use it as a tag to achieve the title and tag match described in #2 above.

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